As we move into early fall, highlight species targeted by anglers along the Rocky River and other area streams include steelhead trout, smallmouth bass, and panfish. Local streams got a bump in flow this week and are currently on the rise again with more rain in the forecast going into the weekend. Anglers can check the latest river flows and temperature, especially during transitional weather as we are now experiencing, at the following link: <Rocky River flow gage data> <Chagrin River flow gage data>. Lake Erie anglers are targeting yellow perch, walleye, white bass, and smallmouth bass.
Area streams are on the rise again with more rain in the forecast, and weekend fishing prospects will depend on how much of that rain we get. The additional flow will serve to draw in additional fresh fish. A modest number of early steelhead have continued to linger around the marina and mouth of the Rocky River this week, although a fair number of fish have also been observed up to Cedar Point Road where the river splits. Fish have also been reported from the northern Chagrin and Cuyahoga rivers and Euclid Creek. The steelhead fishing has really heated up off the east facing breakwall at E55th this week, and if the lake conditions aren't kicked up this spot offers a great steelhead fishing option when the streams are muddy. The rocks at Edgewater Park and the pier/breakwall at Wildwood Park can also be good shore fishing spots for steelhead. Most of the steelies have been 24-30", with few of the smaller 16-20" skippers making an appearance yet. A bonus brown trout was caught by an angler on the Rock this week, as well, as evidenced by the photos below. There are an increasing number of minnows in the northern river at this time, which will draw in feeding steelhead. Early fall steelhead will hit spoons/spinners (Little Cleo, Vibrax and Rooster Tail all being proven producers), as well as jigs and spawn. The fishing will only continue to get better as we move further into fall.
Fishing prospects at the Ohio & Erie Canal fishing area are currently excellent. Last week 600 pounds of farm raised channel catfish and 1,000 pounds of rainbow trout were stocked at this location for Outdoor Odyssey on Saturday October 11, and plenty of these fish remain to be caught. Trout bite well on PowerBait, small jigs tipped with a few maggots and spinners , and catfish bite well on chicken liver and raw shrimp. Either species can be taken on a nightcrawler fished on the canal bottom with a small sinker. The trout limit at this site is 5 fish per angler per day.
The yellow perch bite has been good when lake conditions permit, with larger perch starting to show up around Cleveland. Boating anglers have reported success off Rocky River/Gold Coast in 50-60?�+, Edgewater Park in 40-60', Gordon Park/E72nd Street in 40-60?�+ and Wildwood Park in 59-63'. The walleye night bite along the shoreline at E72nd and Edgewater is just getting started and will be heating up as we move into fall. The white bass bite has been hot at E72nd Street casting agitator bobbers with small jigs, flies or spoons. Smallmouth bass have been lurking around nearshore structure, as well. The ODNR Division of Wildlife weekly Lake Erie fishing report can be viewed <here>. Anglers/boaters can view current lake conditions off Cleveland at the following link: <City Of Cleveland Water Intake Crib Cam>.
Scranton Flats Fish Habitat Restoration Project. Over the past year, Cleveland Metroparks and a host of partners have been working to restore the shoreline community along 3,000 feet of the Cuyahoga River with improvement of fish habitat being a top priority. As the project work has been conducted we are already surprised at the fish diversity onsite! Population surveys by ODNR in mid-August and NEORSD this past Friday have revealed at least 21 species of fish at the site, including sportfish such as largemouth/smallmouth bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed sunfish, rock bass, yellow perch and both channel and flathead catfish. The site also has had a pier constructed and will allow fishing at designated areas when Cleveland Metroparks assumes day to day management of the site in the future (at a yet to be determined date). You can view some photos from the site below and learn more about the project and partners who made it possible at this <link>.
If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected] .
Tight Lines,
Tim caught this surprise brown trout by the marina on Monday morning on a #3 silver Vibrax spinner (photo courtesy of Tim Maher).
Adam caught his personal best largemouth bass, a 22" trophy, while casting a Super Vibrax spinner on Sunday. I can't say conclusively but I believe his choice of shirt made this feat possible. Check out Adam's website at (photo courtesy of Adam Eibling).
The steelhead fishing has been heating up off the E55th Street breakwall. A small jig tipped with a small minnow and a few maggots suspended under a small bobber, dubbed "The Smorgasbord", is a local favorite (photo courtesy of Ranger Cptn. Sean Flanigan).
Jeff, who docks his boat at E55th, reports the big perch bite was on fire in 40 FOW off Gordon Park on Columbus Day (photos courtesy of Jeff Shaw).
Last Friday the lake was rough so Dale and Geno cast 1/2 oz orange Little Cleo spoons by the mouth of the Rock and went 4 for 7, with an 8 pound chromer being the largest. Dale reports they all fought great (photos courtesy of Dale Sante).
Chris reports "Caught and released this 27 inch beast on Thursday 10/9 around the Rockcliff area on a jig tipped with maggots. She was very fat and less than pleased when I set the hook!" (photo courtesy of Chris Darr).
Andrew caught this beautiful steelie at E55th on a chartreuse jig tipped with a minnow and a few maggots (photo courtesy of Andrew).
This 17.5" largemouth bass was caught and released at Judges Lake this week (photo courtesy of Ranger Lt. Mark Hayner).
John caught this chromer at the mouth of the Rocky River on Friday from a private property he has permission to fish. Anyone with a small watercraft can fish this area, as well. (photo courtesy of John Konyesni).
We stocked 600 pounds of channel catfish (and 1,000 pounds of trout) at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation last week, including some bruisers and a few neat albinos.
Lance and his buddy Kevin landed some chrome beauties in the northern Rock on spoons (photos courtesy of Lance Masarik).
Will reports from the Chagrin River on Saturday "The water was exceptionally clear. When the sun was out I could see the bottom of nearly every pool with my polarized glasses. I managed to land one 16 inch steelhead as pictured above on a white 1.5 inch tube jig but I had several hits on egg sacks and single eggs. However, the action ended around 12:00 yet I fished the rest of the afternoon. Out if the 7 anglers I talked to on the river, only 1 had been successful, he was using spawn sacs as well. Hopefully the forecast holds true and we get some much needed rain this week." (photo courtesy of Will Ellis).
Celeste caught this fine channel catfish on a salmon egg at Outdoor Odyssey on Saturday (photo courtesy of Millard Ball).
Last Thursday we were busy with back to back fish collection outings on the Rocky River by Cedar Point Road. The top photo are Westake Schools students and the bottom photo is kids from Midview HS/Lorain CCC. We collected four steelhead in the hole under the bridge there.
A project at Scranton Road is working to restore 3,000 feet of the Cuyahoga River for fish habitat, and we've already recorded 21 species of fish there this year. See the report highlight for more on this cool project.
A Ranger goes "abvoe and beyond" at E55th to assist an angler from untangling a gull from his fishing line (photo courtesy of Ranger Cptn. Sean Flanigan).
Can you tell what's going on in this image? Well, Pat caught a nice trout at Ohio & Erie Canal on Sunday and when he went to pull up his stringer realized a big snapping turtle made it his lunch! Being a generous fellow, Pat decided to share and watched Mr. Snapper chow down on his catch (photo courtesy of Pat Thauvette).
Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month
***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***
2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides
(name, company, contact)
#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536
#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056
#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160
More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>
Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks
Fishing Fund.