Park Rules & Regulations

Cleveland Metroparks police officers take pride in the responsibilities you have entrusted with them. Join forces with the Police Department by observing all rules and regulations.

To report violations, call Police Headquarters at 440.331.5530. Serious crimes-in-progress should be reported to Police Headquarters by calling 440.333.4911 or 911. Yellow emergency phones are located throughout the Park District, and will also connect you directly to Police Headquarters. For information on permits, call 216.635.3200. 

Cleveland Metroparks regulations include:

  • Damaging, disturbing, or removing any part of the Park District, including plants, tree limbs, rocks, and leaves, is prohibited.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed or transported in the Park District.
  • Camping, climbing, and rappelling are permitted only in designated areas, and with a permit.
  • Horseback riders must remain on designated bridle trails.
  • Sledding, skiing, and ice skating are permitted only in designated areas.
  • Bicycles may be operated only on roadways and paved all purpose trails. Riders must obey the same traffic laws as motor vehicles.
  • No vehicles propelled by animal or human power may be operated on bridle or hiking trails.
  • Dogs and cats may accompany their owners in the Park District, however, pets must be controlled on a leash not more than eight feet long, and all excrement must be placed in a litter receptacle.
  • Feeding wildlife is prohibited.
  • Releasing wild or domestic animals in the Park District is prohibited.
  • Hunting, trapping, or killing animals in the Park District is prohibited.
  • Fishing is permitted in all Park District waters unless posted otherwise. Traps, spears or gigs, bows and arrows, and hooks left unattended are prohibited. Ice fishing is permitted when indicated by posting.

Trail Courtesy and Rules

With hundreds of miles of paved and unpaved trails, the Park District is a great place to enjoy nature and recreation. The trails are used for many diverse activities, including bicycling, jogging, hiking, and horseback riding. It is important to share the trails and be courteous to others.

All Purpose Trails

Cleveland Metroparks provides over 125 miles of paved all purpose trails for bicycling, walking, running, and in-line skating. Please observe the following all purpose trail rules:

  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited on all purpose trails.
  • Class 1 and 2 e-bikes and scooters are permitted on roadways and all purpose trails.
  • Always stay to the right, which allows others to pass and prevents interference with oncoming traffic.
  • Bicyclists in Cleveland Metroparks must obey state and park district equipment laws. If riding during dusk or dawn, you must have a headlight and proper reflectors.
  • Bicyclists and in-line skaters should alert others with a bell or by voice when passing from behind.
  • Bicyclists and in-line skaters should control their speed and maintain a safe distance.
  • Park visitors are allowed to walk their dogs and cats on all purpose trails. Pets must be leashed, and owners must remove any animal waste.

Bridle Trails

Approximately 82 miles of bridle trails are available for equestrian use. Please observe the following bridle trail rules:

  • Bicycling is prohibited on all Cleveland Metroparks bridle trails.
  • Hikers are permitted on bridle trails, but must yield to horse riders.
  • Horse riders may only use designated bridle trails. Straying from the trail or creating a new path is prohibited.

Other Trail Information

Hiking trails are located in every Cleveland Metroparks Reservation. Physical fitness trails are located in Bedford, Big Creek, Brecksville, Euclid Creek, Mill Stream Run, North Chagrin, Rocky River, and South Chagrin reservations.

  • If unsure of the specific purpose of a trail, check for posted signs explaining its use or call 216.635.3200.
  • During winter, cross-country skiing is permitted in designated areas. Call 216.635.3200 for locations.
  • Bicyclists are permitted to use Cleveland Metroparks parkways. They must ride not more than two abreast, and obey all traffic laws.