Conducting Business with Cleveland Metroparks

Cleveland Metroparks Financial Picture

Cleveland Metroparks has an annual budget in excess of $150 million which supports the Park District. The primary revenue for Cleveland Metroparks is from real estate and personal property tax in Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Township of Medina County.

Cleveland Metroparks Purchasing

Cleveland Metroparks is operated under guidelines of the Ohio Revised Code. The Park District maintains financial integrity as it continuously purchases a supply of goods and services to operate Cleveland Metroparks. The Purchasing Division processes over 28,000 purchases annually, including more than +100 bid packages. Bids include commodity items (such as automotive supplies, aggregated stone, paper products, animal feed, office supplies, janitorial, and other services) and construction contracts (such as paving, building renovation, facility construction, etc.).

Submitting a Bid

To bid on Cleveland Metroparks commodity or construction postings please register with Public Purchase (see Become a Registered Supplier for registration instructions).

Bid specifications and plans are provided, without qualification to all requesters. Specifications may be obtained by registering with Public Purchase. Cleveland Metroparks advertises all bids by public notice in The Plain Dealer at least once in a 15-day period prior to public bid opening. Companies that wish to submit bids are encouraged to register with Public Purchase to obtain bid documents, addendums, etc. Future bid announcements are released via Public Purchase or can be found under Open Bids on our website.  Once the bid number is selected the vendor will be redirected over to Public Purchase. No late bids will be accepted.

Daily Purchases

Daily purchases (below the bid level amount) are also routinely competitively priced. All vendors are welcome to demonstrate their services and products to staff. To present products or services to Cleveland Metroparks arrange an appointment with the Purchasing Division emailing [email protected] or call 216-635-3200. Cleveland Metroparks staff may also enlist a vendor as “active” by providing the Purchasing Division with the vendor’s company name, address, phone number, federal tax identification number, and representative name. When a new vendor makes a “sale” to Cleveland Metroparks, they become an “active” vendor. The vendor remains on the “Vendor List” and will retain that status unless a five-year period passes without purchase activity.

More Information

Cleveland Metroparks maintains purchasing procedures that ensure fairness and objectivity in conjunction with the Park District’s mission of conservation, education, and recreation. For more information on purchasing procedure email [email protected] or call 216-635-3200.

Como proceder para establecer relaciones comerciales con los Metroparks de Cleveland

Download How to Conduct Business with Cleveland Metroparks brochure (English and Spanish)