Equal Opportunity Vendor Policy

Equal Opportunity Policy

Cleveland Metroparks sources and involves minority enterprises in all of its bids and quotes for  competitive participation.  Source books (Regional Directory of Minority & Women‐Owned Business  Firms, The Hispanic Business and Community Resource Directory: Ohio Edition, City of Cleveland:  Minority Business Enterprise and Female Business Enterprise Registry, The Cleveland Growth  Association’s Regional Minority Purchasing Council, Inc.’s Directory and the Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners Directory of Certified Minority and Women Business Enterprises) on file in the  Purchasing Division office are referred to in all bid situations and where applicable, minority and female  businesses (MBE/FBE’s) are invited to participate.  When that list of applicable MBE/FBE’s is compiled, it  is sent to the Cuyahoga County Office of Procurement and Diversity where it is reviewed and crossreferenced for completeness and accuracy. 

These efforts are reinforced by corporate membership in Cleveland Growth Association’s Northern Ohio  Minority Supplier Diversity Council (NOMSDC).  NOMSDC programs are coordinated so that all area  MBE/FBE’s are notified and directed to contact Cleveland Metroparks Administrative Offices to receive  any and all available bid packages. 

Under direction of the Ohio Revised Code, Cleveland Metroparks and its vendors must be cognizant of  the governing statutes that mandate complete fairness and objectivity.  Cleveland Metroparks strives to  follow these parameters with bid packages and procedures that are in the best interest of the  community served and without weighted favor. 

The Purchasing Manager is kept abreast of new and applicable MBE’s by the NOMBC and the Cuyahoga  County Office of Procurement and Diversity.  New vendors to Cleveland Metroparks are “coded” in  the accounting computer system to enable a “snapshot” at any time regarding the percentage of  MBE/FBE’s currently under contract in a given year.  

A pamphlet entitled, “How to Conduct Business with Cleveland Metroparks,” is available (in both  English and Spanish) on the Cleveland Metroparks website and at the Administrative Offices and bulk  copies are made available for distribution at various MBE/FBE outreach conferences and trade shows.  

These efforts have been reviewed and approved by the Cuyahoga County Office of Procurement and  Diversity and NOMBC both of which advise local governmental agencies regarding MBE/FBE outreach  methods. 


Minority Business Enterprise

"Minority" means a United States citizen of lawful, permanent residence who is Black, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian or Eskimo/Aleutians. 

  • The business must be owned and controlled by 51% minority,  including corporate stock, if a corporation.  Such owners must  have control over the management and day‐to‐day operations,  have interest in the capital, assets and profits and losses  proportionate to their percentage of ownership. 
  • The business shall be owned and controlled by such person for  at least one (1) year prior to a bid being awarded.  Ohio Revised  Code 122.71 E(I), (2).

Female Business Enterprise

A business that must have a minimum of 51% female ownership, have women  owners responsible for day‐to‐day management and have been in existence for  at least one (1) year. 

Download this policy (PDF)

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