Cleveland Metroparks is entitled to purchase supplies and services outside of a purchase contract (i.e. - Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program) and without complying with competitive selection procedures if the purchase can be made at a lower (or equal with better conditions) price than is available through such a contract. An affidavit (copy available in Sample Forms Index) is required that validates the vendor’s promise that the product or service is equivalent in all aspects and specifications as well as a copy of the equal or lower price quote.
Cleveland Metroparks utilizes the Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program (where determined by the Purchasing Manager to be advantageous or otherwise applicable) in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04 as held in The Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Act (am. Sub. H. B. No. 100) and signed into law by Governor Richard F. Celeste on December 4, 1985 and effective March 6, 1986. This program was accepted through resolution by the Board of Park Commissioners, December, 1990.
Cleveland Metroparks also utilizes the Ohio Department of Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program (where determined by the Purchasing Manager to be advantageous or otherwise applicable) in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code Section 5513.01 (B). This program was accepted through resolution by the Board of Park Commissioners, February, 1991.
Cleveland Metroparks also participates in the Ohio Schools Council consortium for use of utility savings and bulk purchases where applicable since 1999.
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA)
Choice Partners
**Governmental or "GSA" pricing indicated by vendors IS NOT linked to any of the above cooperative purchasing programs. Staff is asked to contact the Purchasing Division for clarification of vendor's actual ability to extend such discounts when "GSA" prices are proposed.**
For more information, call 216.635.3200.