The Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy, or CHEERS, continues to progress. The six project partners are excited to report the following updates:
CHEERS is a cost-effective, long-term investment in Cleveland's community and economy. The six project partners, stakeholders representing more than 50 community organizations, and residents of Northeast Ohio support CHEERS. Along with community support, the project represents a fiscally responsible solution that protects and maintains the Port of Cleveland's $7 B annual economic impact. See the Ohio Maritime Plan for more information.
How the Port of Cleveland turned infrastructure needs into two transformational waterfront projects - Crain's Cleveland (December 18, 2023)
Something to CHEER About - The LAND (December 14, 2023)
Cleveland Resilience Projects Could Boost Communities' Access to Water and Green Spaces - Inside Climate News (November 28, 2023)
CHEERS Seeks Construction Grants with Improved Design - Plain Dealer/ (August 12, 2023)
CHEERS Project Advances to Design Phase - Cleveland Metroparks (October 13, 2022)
The Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy (CHEERS) project is a concept that emerged from a yearlong study to determine how to transform Cleveland’s lakeshore through reconnecting communities to the lake, improving public health, bolstering the economy, and benefiting the environment and natural habitat. It is now in a design phase with the help of a consultant team to move the original study towards implementation. Stakeholders and the support received from the community are crucial to the success of CHEERS. Community engagement kicked off in early 2023 – check back here for updates!
CHEERS will utilize beneficial use of dredge material to improve shoreline resilience, build habitat, expand parks, and work to heal damage done by past unjust developmental practices and industrial use. Click here for a summary of background on CHEERS, and here for the full version of the initial plan.
CHEERS is a partnership between Black Environmental Leaders, the City of Cleveland and Cleveland City Council, Cleveland Metroparks, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Department of Transportation, and the Port of Cleveland.
This project is supported by grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Ohio Department of Transportation's Maritime Assistance Program, and local match and in-kind support from each of the CHEERS Partners.
This stage of CHEERS focuses on detailed investigations of existing conditions on the project site and will develop engineering documents for the in-water structures.
For a preliminary glimpse into what the phases of building this project might look like over the next 20+ years, take a look at the phasing graphic below!
Check back here periodically for presentations, videos, and other information from the many community and stakeholder engagement opportunities we will be holding as CHEERS progresses.
2024-09-12 Stakeholder Meeting #5 Presentation
2024-09-12 Stakeholder Meeting #5 Recording
2024-03-14 Stakeholder Meeting #4 Presentation
2024-03-14 Stakeholder Meeting #4 Recording
2023-08-10 Summer Community Update Presentation
2023-08-10 Summer Community Update Recording
Click here for Older Meeting Info
Do you have other ideas for the CHEERS project area? Share them here!