Metal Detecting

Permission to metal detect in Cleveland Metroparks is granted for surface mining only. A permit is not required. Digging is strictly prohibited, except in beach areas (Edgewater Beach, Euclid Beach, Villa Angela Beach, Huntington Beach, Perkins Beach, Wallace Lake, and Hinckley Spillway area only), where metal detecting is permitted during the non-swimming season only (from October 1 to May 15). Holes created in beach areas are to be no deeper than 12 inches and are to be filled in immediately upon completion of the dig.

Metal detecting must not interfere with other park activities.  Please extend care, consideration and courtesy to other park visitors at all times. 

Cleveland Metroparks (except beach areas):

Permission to metal detect in Cleveland Metroparks is granted for surface mining only...NO digging.

Beach Areas only:

Metal detecting will be allowed on any sandy portions of beach areas (Edgewater Beach, Perkins Beach, Wallace Lake Beach, Huntington Beach, Euclid Beach, Villa Angela Beach, Hinckley Spillway Beach) from Oct. 1st – May 15th. Digging is permitted, but holes created in beach areas are to be no deeper than 12 inches and are to be filled in immediately upon completion of the dig.