Model Rocket and Miniature Model Toy Policy

View Model Rocket and Miniature Model Toy Policy

Cleveland Metroparks regulates the use of Model Rockets, High Powered Rockets, and Miniature Model Toys on or above Park District property for the safety and enjoyment of all guests. You may recreationally operate Model Rockets as long as you meet FAA requirements and comply with Cleveland Metroparks regulations. You may recreationally operate Miniature Model Toys as long as you meet FAA requirements and comply with Cleveland Metroparks regulations.

Model Rockets

Cleveland Metroparks’ Model Rocket Policy has defined criteria for the different types of permissible amateur rockets. Different types of permissible amateur model rockets have different limitations and requirements. Please consult the Cleveland Metroparks’ Model Rocket policy to ensure that you’re operating a permissible amateur rocket and otherwise in compliance with Cleveland Metroparks’ and FAA Regulations.

Any recreational launch of an amateur rocket must be on a suborbital trajectory in a way that conforms with limitations specified in the Federal Aviation Act and does not cross into the territory of a foreign country or causes a hazard to persons, property, natural resources, or wildlife. Persons may launch one of these listed items on or above Park District property ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATED AREAS. Model Rockets may be launched in either open or not open fields in the following locations, when there is not a scheduled event occurring there:

  1. The Polo Fields in South Chagrin
  2. The Top O’Ledges in the Hinkley Reservation
  3. Main Street Diamond located in Mill Stream Run Reservation
  4. All Cleveland Metroparks’ golf course fairways, except Sleepy Hollow and Manakiki, from November 1 through March 15 when the golf course is not open for Golf.
    1. Operator shall not be allowed on the golf courses greens or tees at any time, nor can the operator interfere with any non-golf activity that might be occurring on the course.  
    2. Prior authorization from the FAA is required to launch High-Powered Rockets at the Big Met, Little Met, and Mastick Woods golf courses.

There are different Air Traffic Notification Requirements depending on the type of amateur rocket. Before launching, please review our Model Rocket Policy for more information on specific Air Traffic Notification requirements.

Miniature Models and Toys

Miniature Model Toys. Any remotely or handheld controller operated toys, cars, planes, helicopters, boats and/or other vehicles or vessels powered by battery, electricity, or other power source. Drones are not Miniature Model Toys and are beholden to a separate set of Cleveland Metroparks’ policy and regulation. For more information, please consult our drone policy: Drone Policy | Cleveland Metroparks.

Miniature Model Toys may be recreationally used in designated areas as long as the use is not on Cleveland Metroparks’ trails, outside of the area or facility specifically designated for such use, or creates a hazard for persons, property, natural resources, or wildlife. Even in Designated Areas, all operators must familiarize and comply with all FAA regulation. Miniature Model Toys may be operated in the following locations:

  • Non-boat Miniature Model Toys may be operated on any paved parking lot in the Park District between November 1 and March 15, unless the parking lot is being used by vehicles.
  • Miniature Model Toy boats may be operated in any Park District body of water outside of swimming areas not interfering with persons recreating in the park.