Jan. 2025 - The contractor has mobilized and installed their temporary traffic control devices. Soon the crew will work to install their erosion control features as well as perform clearing and grubbing. Demolition of the bridge will take place in the coming weeks. As a reminder, the trail and road are fully closed to the public.
This project includes demolition of the existing Hawthorn Bridge and installation of a new bridge. This includes placement of new foundations, sub and superstructures, railings, approach pavements, and utilities, as well as grading, grade stabilization, restoration, and traffic control. The bridge is located in the South Chagrin Reservation on Hawthorn Parkway over the OmniTRAX railroad line in Solon.
Project Type: Reservation Capital Project
Project Phase: Under Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: Fall 2025
Contact: Chris Papp, Park District Civil Engineer, 216-635-3251 or [email protected]
Project Size: 5,570 sq. ft.
Contracting Partner(s): The Great Lakes Construction Co.
Consulting Partner(s): Euthenics Inc.
The Hawthorn Parkway Bridge is currently closed to traffic and will remain closed throughout construction. The updated detour route will be: Hawthorn Parkway to Aurora Road to Richmond Road to Cannon Road to Hawthorn Parkway again. Please see the vehicular detour map below for a visual representation.
To accommodate construction activities associated with the rehabilitation of the Hawthorn Parkway Bridge, temporary closure of the All Purpose Trail and Bridle Trail/Buckeye Trail will be required until construction is completed. There will be closure signs placed on either side of the bridge and signs at nearby trailheads to notify users of the closure. There is not a bicycle and pedestrian detour route as there are no nearby continuous bicycle and pedestrian facilities.