This project includes work to replace the aging facilities at Wallace Lake with new concessions and restroom buildings, an outdoor classroom, and a recreation education area. The outdoor classroom will provide accessible space for outdoor recreation-based programs, and the proximity of the classroom space to the water will allow for hands-on environmental programs. Additional site and accessibility improvements will also be completed to support the new construction and strengthen access to Wallace Lake.
If you are interested in supporting this project and Cleveland Metroparks, please visit the Wallace Lake Enhancement Fund donate page.
Project Type: Reservation Capital Project
Estimated Opening Date: Memorial Day 2025
Contact: Ryan Denker, Architect, 216-635-3246 or [email protected]
Project Size: 3,842 sq. ft. concession building and 1,165 sq. ft. restroom building
Contracting Partner(s): Regency Construction Services, Inc.
Consulting Partner(s): PTA Engineering, Osborn Engineering, Mackay Engineering and Survey, SME