Nature Preschool

nature pre school at cleveland metroparks

2025-26 School Year Registration and Open House 

Registration for the 2025-26 school year for our Rocky River and North Chagrin locations is currently full. To join our free waitlist, click here

The lottery for our Garfield Park location is open. Request enrollment here.   

To learn more about our program, view our virtual open house


Cleveland Metroparks Nature Preschool combines the best practices of early childhood education with those of environmental education. Our mission is:  

Fostering healthy development, connecting children to nature,

and inspiring the next generation.

Our goal is to provide an exceptional child-centered and nature-based preschool environment. We believe that by immersing children into nature at an early age, they develop a deep-seated appreciation and understanding of the natural world and their place within it. We believe that children “learn by doing” and that the natural world provides unique opportunities to spark curiosity, problem solve, and build relationships.

making a leaf soup

Our inquiry-based curriculum utilizes the Ohio Department of Education’s Early Learning Content Standards and uses a whole-child philosophy to promote growth across all developmental domains. This helps develop skills necessary to transition to kindergarten, such as:

  • Fostering a sense of wonder
  • Nurturing a sense of self and independence
  • Encouraging problem-solving and reflection
  • Instilling confidence

The daily schedule provides opportunities for children to work in both large and small group settings, with ample time for children to explore our outdoor classroom. A typical daily schedule is: 

8:30 – 9:15WELCOME and FREE PLAY
9:15 – 9:30GATHERING
10:00 – 10:45HIKE and EXPLORE
10:45 – 11:15FREE PLAY and SMALL GROUPS
11:15 – 11:30GATHERING and GOODBYE

Through their play, children build relationships with their peers, their teachers, and the world around them 

To learn more about our program, visit our FAQ page. 

For registration information, visit our registration page.   

To contact us, please reach us at [email protected].