State Standard: Ohio History
4.HTS.1 The order of significant events in Ohio and the United States can be shown on a timeline.
4.HTS.2 Primary and secondary sources can be used to create historical narratives
4.H.3 Various groups of people have lived in Ohio over time including American Indians, migrating settlers and immigrants. Interactions among these groups have resulted in cooperation, conflict and compromise.
4.PR.10 The economic development of the United States continues to influence and be influenced by agriculture, industry and natural resources in Ohio.
4.PR.11 The regions of the United States known as the North, South and West developed in the early 1800s largely based on their physical environments and economies.
4.HS.12 People have modified the environment throughout history resulting in both positive and negative consequences in Ohio and the United States.
4.HS.13 The population of the United States has changed over time, becoming more diverse (e.g., racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious). Ohio’s population has become increasingly reflective of the multicultural diversity of the United States.
4.HS:14 Ohio’s location and its transportation systems continue to influence the movement of people, products and ideas in the United States.

Objectives: At the end of the program students will be able to:
· Understand changes in transportation in Ohio over time
· Understand how the canal was built and how it worked
· Find out what life was like for those living and working on the canal.
· Understand the importance of the OE canal in the growth of Ohio
· Find out why the canal was abandoned and what happened to it.

Lesson Plans: 

Video Links: 
Video Lesson - Ohio and Erie Canal Part 1
Video Lesson - Ohio and Erie Canal Part 2
Video Lesson - Ohio and Erie Canal Part 3