Prehistoric American Indians of Northeast Ohio

State Standards:
4.HTS.2 Primary and secondary sources can be used to create historical narratives.
4.HTS.3 Various groups of people have lived in Ohio over time including American Indians, migrating settlers and immigrants. Interactions among these groups have resulted in cooperation, conflict and compromise.
4.HS.12 People have modified the environment throughout history resulting in both positive and negative consequences in Ohio and the United States.


At the end of the program students will be able to:

· Understand that prehistoric people in Ohio only had contact with other American Indians as far as we know.

· Understand that prehistoric American Indians made everything from natural materials that could be found in their environment.

· Understand that American Indians lifestyles changed over time as the climate changed.

· Understand that Prehistoric American Indians were gone from Ohio when Europeans arrived.

Lesson Plans: 

Video Links: 
Video Lesson - Woodland Indians of Ohio Part 1
Video Lesson - Woodland Indians of Ohio Part 2
Video Lesson - Woodland Indians of Ohio Part 3