State Standards:
6: ESS.1: Minerals have specific, quantifiable properties.
6: ESS.2 Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks have unique characteristics that can be used for identification and/or classification.
6: ESS.3: Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks form in different ways.
6: ESS.5: Rocks, minerals and soils have common and practical uses.
At the end of the program, student will be able to:
• name four criteria that qualify a mineral as a mineral.
• name several specific quantifiable properties that identify one mineral (rock) from the other by conducting tests.
• understand that a combination of minerals provide the recipe for rocks of the world.
• name the layers of the earth and the processes that have contributed to its formation.
• identify the three families of rocks, and how each are formed.
• identify each family of rock by its unique characteristics.
• explain the rock cycle.
• recognize that minerals are essential for human survival.
• name three minerals and rocks that provide infrastructure for homes, cities and roads.
• identify minerals in their everyday lives.
• identify jobs related to mineral extraction and usage.
• understand that minerals are nonrenewable resources
Lesson Plans:
Video Links:
Video Lesson - Minerals
Video lesson - Families of Rocks
Video lesson - Minerals and Rocks in Our Everyday Livesv