Let Cleveland Metroparks Mobile Outreach Unit bring nature to your students virtually with Eco Explorers.

Eco Explorers was made possible by PNC Grow Up Great®.

PNC Grow Up Great® is a $500 million, multi-year, bilingual initiative that began in 2004 to help prepare children
from birth to age 5 for success in school and life. To date, the program has served over 5 million children

Investigating Insects

  • child glass

    Investigating Insects

    Students will learn the characteristics of insects and why they are an important part of the ecosystem.

  • magnifying

    Animal Homes & Habitats

    Students will learn about different kinds of habitats, who lives in them, and how habitats provide animals what they need to survive.

  • groundhog

    Animal Adaptations

    Students will learn that animals have physical features and behaviors that influence their survival.

  • black eyed susans

    Plants & Their Parts

    Students will learn the needs of plants, their parts and be introduced to the life cycle of a plant.

  • french creek

    Weather in the Seasons

    Students will learn what weather is and how it changes throughout the year