Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund

You can preserve and protect Cleveland Metroparks through a gift to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund. Gifts to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund of The Cleveland Foundation remain in the fund and generate annual income to benefit all aspects of Cleveland Metroparks including:

  • Conserving natural resources through land and wildlife stewardship
  • Providing outdoor education for all ages
  • Facilitating recreation opportunities to foster personal wellness, health and the enjoyment of natural resources

Since it was established, the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund has generated approximately $2 million to support Cleveland Metroparks education programs, natural resource research projects, trail improvements and capital projects. 

 Donate now 

If you prefer to mail in your endowment gift, please download the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund form here and follow the instructions.

Contributions of $10,000 or more may be recognized through mutually agreed opportunities. Personalized proposals for endowment gifts to support programs or locations within Cleveland Metroparks are available. All inquiries are confidential.

Enjoy special benefits with a gift of $250 or more

Join the Emerald Necklace Giving Circles by making a gift of $250 or more to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund and enjoy special benefits as our way of thanking you for your involvement in the past, present and future of Cleveland Metroparks. Click here for more information on the Emerald Necklace Giving Circle levels and associated benefits.

Emerald Necklace Fellows

Donors who make a planned gift commitment to Cleveland Metroparks are recognized as Emerald Necklace Fellows. If you have already included Cleveland Metroparks in your estate plan, we would like to recognize you as an Emerald Necklace Fellow.  Please contact us at the information below.

For more information, please contact:

Karen Kannenberg, CFRE
Principal Giving Director
Cleveland Metroparks
4101 Fulton Parkway
Cleveland, Ohio 44144
(216) 635-3217
[email protected]