February 6, 2025

Posted: February 06 , 2025


***NOTE: The Fishing Report Blog is updated weekly on Thursdays from September-May***  The big news this week is the thawing of our local streams, although treacherous ice slabs are piled up high along the banks in some areas (especially at the marina on the Rocky River). The Rocky River has receded in level and is offering fishable conditions at this time but weekend conditions will be dependent on how much rain we receive. To monitor the most recent river water level and temperature you can check the following link: <Rocky River flow gage data> <Chagrin River flow gage data> <Rocky River NEORSD station with turbidity>. We do not recommend ice fishing at this time but anglers can pursue recently stocked trout from the safety of solid ground in areas where the shoreline drops quickly into deeper water.

Following several weeks of being largely frozen our streams have thawed this week and are currently offering fishable conditions. Whether or not the streams will offer good fishing conditions for the weekend will depend on how much more rain we receive so anglers should check the flow data links offered above before heading out. Be aware that treacherous ice slabs are piled up high along the river banks in areas, especially near the Rocky River boat ramps. If additional rainfall is minimal the Rocky and Chagrin rivers will both be good bets this weekend. Drifting dime to nickel size spawn sacks, smaller marabou/hair jigs (1/32-1/64 oz) tipped with a few maggots, and egg mimicking beads under floats through the holes are all good options for connecting with winter fish. Although the water is likely too cold to bring in a big push of fresh steelhead I would still expect a modest number of fresh fish mixed in with those that have been overwintering in the stream.

On Tuesday and Thursday last week we stocked the second (and final) bunch of winter trout at Wallace (1,900 lbs), Shadow (750 lbs), Ledge (650 lbs), Ranger (100 lbs), and Judge’s (100 lbs) lakes. These complement the 3,500 pounds of mixed trout we stocked in the same lakes back in December.  The bulk of these fish were rainbow trout averaging a pound each although there were plenty of bonus brook, brown, golden rainbow, and even tiger (brook x brown hybrid) trout in the mix. Anglers should fish small baits and jigs under small ice floats and to expect light hits and set the hook quickly.  Another good option is small to medium size (1.5-3”) jigging spoons, which can be worked at various depths of the water column until active fish are encountered. Although jigging spoons do not require bait, they can still be tipped with a few maggots, a waxworm or a small minnow, which can sometimes elicit more bites. A dime size ball of PowerBait on a bare hook or molded on a small jighead can also produce.  

To clarify trout limit by location (all trout species combined), the daily limit is 3 trout at Wallace, Ranger, Ledge and Judge’s lakes. The daily limit is 5 trout at Shadow Lake and Ohio & Erie Canal. For steelhead in winter the daily limit is 2 with minimum size of 12” whether fishing the rivers, harbors or Lake Erie.

Following the mild weather this past week we do not recommend ice fishing at this time. Trout can be pursued through the ice from the safety of fishing platforms and in other areas that the shoreline slopes quickly into deeper water (Wallace and Ledge lakes have good opportunities for this). As far as ice fishing most state conservation agencies recommend at least 4" of solid ice before anglers should venture out, and in Cleveland Metroparks it is the angler's responsibility to check that. One method is to use a spud bar near shore and check the ice thickness, and if it is > 4 inches and solid, good quality ice then walk out a little further and check again. Ice is often thinnest right at the water's edge and around inlets and outlets of the waterbody. A pair of emergency ice picks held at the ready on a cord around the neck are a safety must, as is an emergency length of rope. Other safety tips are to always fish with a friend, let someone know where you'll be, and focus on areas near where other anglers have already been fishing recently. In reality we may be seeing the end of the ice fishing season right now.

A Reminder About Parking Along The Rocky River. Rocky River Park Manager Rick Ditch wanted to remind folks to only park in designated parking areas along the Rocky River parkway. The ground is soft and parking in non-designated areas (whether marked as no parking or not) can cause significant damage to the berm. In some cases our officers will issue parking tickets, as well. Thank you for helping us maintain a beautiful park by following this rule!

Trout Club Fly Tying Night is Back on February 19. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History Trout Club welcomes folks to join them on Wednesday, February 19, starting at 6:00 PM for an open fly-tying session at The Beach Club Bistro, 21939 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44123. Come and show a favorite pattern or if you have questions on tying ask one of the experienced tyers on hand for help. Show up anytime and they will be there until 9:00 PM. Fly tying instructor and author, Jerry Darkes, will also be in attendance to help out and answer questions. Jerry will also be selling personalized copies of his new book Favorite Flies for the Upper Midwest. Cost is $30.00 and net profit from each book sold will benefit the Club. Payment by cash, check, Venmo, or PayPal. To reserve a copy, contact Jerry at [email protected].

Annual Metroparks Boat Ramp Tags are now Available for Online Purchase. You can now purchase your Cleveland Metroparks annual boat launch tags online.  Discount rates for seniors and veterans ($25), and rates vary if you are a resident of our service area ($30) versus outside the area ($35). You can find more information and purchase at this link: <2025 Boat Launch Tags>. Tags will also be available for in person purchase once our marina shops open again for the boating season in spring.

If you have a photo that you would like to contribute to the fishing report, or if you have any further questions regarding fishing in the Cleveland Metroparks, you may contact Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec at (440) 331-8017 or [email protected].

Tight Lines,



Jules shared regarding her catch “I would like to submit a photo of a rainbow trout I caught at Shadow Lake on Tuesday 1/28 after they stocked. I caught it on Powerbait on a bare hook.” (photo courtesy of Jules Borders).



Brad caught and released this beautiful tiger trout on a Metroparks pond on Friday (photos courtesy of Brad Gardner).



Christian took his nephew Landon to Shadow Lake on Saturday and he caught his first two rainbow trout ever on his first trip ever ice fishing (photos courtesy of Walt Gedeon).


Matt reported that he and a buddy caught 5 rainbow trout and a bonus brook trout (he only kept 2 rainbows and released the others despite being below the limit) at Wallace Lake last Thursday. Brook trout pictured (photo courtesy of Matt Hanlon).


Kumbo was catching a mix of dark and fresher steelhead on his homemade “mermaid jigs” in the Rocky River when it was still mostly iced over (photos courtesy of Kumbo Leng).




Brian had a fantastic week on Wallace Lake - catching (and releasing) a surprise double header of trophy largemouth bass on tip-ups, as well as plenty of trout punctuated by a brook trout and trophy tiger trout (photos courtesy of Brian Kich).


John caught a limit of rainbow trout at Ledge Lake jigging a small Swedish Pimple tipped with a few maggots (photo courtesy of John Hall).






Shaun has been catching a diverse array of species on the ice at Wallace Lake including a bunch of channel catfish and largemouth bass as well as some crappie and a nice brook trout (photos courtesy of Shaun Cassidy).


Noah shows off a real specimen tiger trout right before it was released in Wallace Lake last Thursday.


Our volunteer crew assist in stocking a total of 3,000 lbs of trout between five locations last week. A huge thank you to John, Jeff, Paul, Noah and Bill for all your help stocking all those trout! See the report above for details.

Note: The fishing report is updated monthly in June, July, and August and weekly every other month

***Note: All photo submissions must first complete the Cleveland Metroparks photo waiver.***

2025 Cleveland Metroparks Registered Fishing Guides 
(name, company, contact)

#25-001 Jeff Liskay, Great Lakes Flyfishing LLC, [email protected] (440) 781-7536

#25-002 Gareth Thomas, Alley Grabs Guide Service, [email protected] (216) 235-5056

#25-003 Jim Lingenfelter, Wild Ohio Outdoors Guide Service, [email protected], (440) 731-9160

#25-004 Monte Casey, Steelhead Guide, (440) 773-8064 www.steelheadguide.com

#25-005 Nicholas DelVecchio, Wildwood Outfitters, [email protected] (724) 433-2315

#25-006 Lucas Smith, What That Vise Do LLC, [email protected] (724) 841-1564

More information on Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Guide Permit requirements, including the permit application, you may check the following link: <Fishing Guide Permit Program>

Learn how you can support recreation opportunities through a donation to the Cleveland Metroparks Fishing Fund.