September | Cleveland Metroparks

Ten Meadows to Discover in Cleveland Metroparks

Tallgrass Prairie, Brecksville Reservation     

Located near Brecksville Nature Center, this tallgrass prairie is home to a variety of grasses and flowers. Late summer provides you with the white and purple of the asters along with shades of yellow from the goldenrods.

  A pathway cuts through a field of tall yellow flowers under a blue sky with scattered clouds and surrounded by trees

Meadows, Acacia Reservation    

This 155 acre former golf course is an amazing example of ecological restoration. Acacia's meadows are teeming with abundant plant, insect, and bird wildlife.

Three people walking a dog on a paved path through a lush, green park with trees and shrubs under a clear sky.

Jackson Field, South Chagrin Reservation     

An exceptional example of Chagrin River floodplain, Jackson Field is home to abundant plant and animal species that thrive in the rich, moist, field, wetlands, forest and river -- which is the backbone of it all.

Field of grass surrounded by green trees and a bright blue sky with white clouds

Monarch Bluff Picnic Area, West Creek Reservation     

This hillside meadow is filled with milkweed, boneset, and goldenrod. These plants are perfect for monarch caterpillars and migrating butterflies. A natural surface trail takes you through the meadow and around a beautiful wetland filled with pickerelweed, that is necessary for butterflies and bumblebees.

A yellow black and white caterpillar crawling on a green leaf

Buzzards Roost, Hinckley Reservation     

You can park right in front of this field that has a large area filled with tall prairie grasses. The edges have a variety of goldenrods and asters that provide nectar to our late summer pollinators as they prepare for winter.

Yellow flowers with green leaves surrounded buy clouds from a low perspective

Rogers Meadow, North Chagrin Reservation     

During the warmer months, Rogers Meadow is beaming with wildflowers and insects. In the spring, marvel at the beautiful spring wildflowers. In the summer and fall, enjoy the diversity of insect life, including butterflies and grasshoppers.

A black butterfly resting on a purple flower

Hemlock Creek Picnic Area, Bedford Reservation

Just a few steps from Tinker's and Hemlock Creek, this small meadow helps to support countless pollinators throughout the surrounding habitats.

A flower field filled with grown out pink and yellow flowers surrounded by trees in a forest with bright blue skies

Bluebird Point, West Creek Reservation     

During the summer months, this grass and wildflower meadow is a nesting and fledging ground for bluebirds. Grasshoppers, butterflies, and bumblebees can be seen on many of the plants. Enjoy the beauty and sounds of this meadow by following the APT that circles it. 

A bumble bee flying around yellow daisies collecting pollin

South Quarry Loop Trail, Mill Stream Run Reservation     

This 1 mile, mostly flat trail will take you through the woods to a beautiful field along the banks of the Rocky River. With power lines overhead, and flowers and grasses below, this area is a great juxtaposition of industry and nature.

A pond in the middle of a forest in the fall time

Scranton Flats, Lakefront Reservation 

Stretched along the banks of the Cuyahoga River, this restored meadow boasts a beautiful array of wildflowers with the Cleveland skyline as its backdrop.


A road driving into a bridge with wildflowers growing on the side of the road