Reservation Enhancement Funds

At Cleveland Metroparks, we take pride in our 18 unique park reservations, each offering its own distinctive natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Our Reservation Enhancement Funds are dedicated to preserving and enriching these valuable spaces, ensuring they continue to provide joy and comfort to visitors of all ages.

Through these dedicated funds, you have the opportunity to support the specific reservation that holds special meaning to you. Your gift will help us continue to provide new opportunities and innovative experiences that will nurture the youngest naturalists and bring children and adults of all ages closer to the wonders of nature. Enhancement Funds help fund improvements throughout the Emerald Necklace; here is just a small sampling of the projects supported by individual Reservation Enhancement Funds:

  • Acacia: a new interpretive boardwalk and viewing deck and loop trail (complete)
  • Edgewater: New trail linkages between Perkins Beach and the bluffs, new overlooks and terraced staircases, and new fitness circuits (planned)
  • Garfield Park: restoration of Garfield Pond and addition of a new program center, fishing docks and more (in progress)
  • Huntington: new overlooks and expanded picnic areas, gathering spaces, an expanded concession area and restoration of the historic water tower (complete)
  • Rocky River: the Rocky River Lagoon Bridge and a new entrance plaza at the Nature Center (complete)
  • South Chagrin: Henry Church Rock Trail improvements (Phase One complete)

Your tax-deductible donation today will contribute significantly to the future of our reservations and help us further elevate the guest experience throughout Cleveland Metroparks while protecting its beauty and integrity, and sustaining the ever-increasing numbers of guests we welcome each year. 

Complete the form below to give online today. Your gift is 100% tax-deductible and will support the area you designate; it will not be used for any overhead or administrative costs.

Visit our Emerald Necklace Giving Circles and Monthly Giving  pages for more information on Leadership and recurring gifts.

Online Payment Methods

Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover accepted below.

If you prefer to mail in your gift, you may download the donation form here.