Peter Harasimchuk

Donor: Family & Friends of Peter Harasimchuk
Tree Species: Sugar Maple

Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the family and friends of Peter Harasimchuk for their contributions to the Legacy Fund. These gifts support reforestation in Cleveland Metroparks now and in the future.  

In appreciation of the donations made by the family and friends of Peter Harasimchuk, Cleveland Metroparks planted a sugar maple tree at Bonnie Park in Mill Stream Run Reservation in his memory. Peter loved nature and particularly loved taking photographs at Bonnie Park. With a unique eye, Peter photographed the beauty of Bonnie Park, and used its natural landscape as a background for engagement, wedding, and many family photos. Thanks to the love of his family and friends, this tree is a most befitting living memorial to Peter and contributes to the beauty of a park that he truly cherished capturing in photos.

Man with white hair in a white shirt, seated with hands resting on his knee, smiling in front of a black background.

Coordinates: 41.333723,-81.833878
Location of Peter Harasimchuk Memorial Tree