Work together with your class, school, or organization to help save gorillas in the wild. Gorillas on the Line is a multi-month campaign challenging your team to collect as many old mobile phones for recycling as possible. By recycling old cell phones and handheld mobile devices you can help protect gorilla habitat in Africa.
Join an exciting campaign to help save gorillas in the wild. By collecting old mobile phones for recycling, you can help protect gorilla habitat in Africa. Get started with three easy steps.
The Gorillas on the Line cell phone recycling drive and contest runs yearly February 1 - September 1.
Free for all to participate!
Registration for Gorillas on the Line cell phone recycling campaign and contest is independent of any other bookings made with Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and does not include a visit to the Zoo. If you are interested in booking a trip to the Zoo for your group, please call 216.635.3391.