Current Project: Primate Forest


The Primate Forest is a long-term, multi-phased project to transform and significantly expand the Zoo’s RainForest into a 140,000 square foot world-class indoor destination. The project will incorporate state-of-the-art technology and the latest research on animal care and conservation and include three distinct animal habitats, Tropical Forest, Orangutan Forest and Gorilla Forest.

The Primate Forest will be centered around the two-story CrossCountry Mortgage Forest Home, a new entranceway to the Primate Forest that will immerse guests in the wonders of the natural world through interactive technology, multi-story play structures and more. CCM-Forest-Home-Rendering-int.jpg

(ABOVE: Conceptual rendering of CrossCountry Mortgage Forest Home)

The project will build upon the legacy of the former RainForest, that was home to more than 10,000 plants and 600 animals from the forests of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The initial construction includes the renovation and modernization of more than 63,000 square feet of the former RainForest structure and the addition of more than 33,500 square feet of new construction containing the CrossCountry Mortgage Forest Home and the expanded Orangutan Forest habitat. A future phase will include construction of the Gorilla Forest that will create a new home for the Zoo’s growing gorilla troop.

The Tropical Forest, expanded Orangutan Forest and new CrossCountry Mortgage Forest Home are expected to open in 2026 and the entire project is expected to be complete by 2032 for Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s 150th anniversary.

The initial phase is approximately $60 million and is fully funded through partnerships, philanthropic donations, state capital funds and Zoo capital funds. Primate-Forest-Rendering-ext.jpg

(ABOVE: Conceptual rendering of Primate Forest)