Go Fish!

Go Fish!

Before you lies one of the most biologically diverse landmarks in North America. Lake Erie, because of its shallowness and drainage basin fertility, boasts the most productive and significant fish community of the Great Lakes, hosting a remarkable 114 species of fishes that birds and anglers alike swarm to find. The shallow depths of Lake Erie are famed for a staggeringly large walleye and yellow perch population, making this vital water source a significant sport and commercial fishing epicenter. 


The spectacle becomes most visible during spring and fall migrations when hundreds of thousands of diving ducks, loons and grebes and several million gulls wing their way to Lake Erie’s waters to feast on small fishes. In spring and fall, these feathered anglers pour down from the Arctic tundra and eastern seaboard to stage on Lake Erie, a vital crossroads and rest stop on their epic migrations. One of the world’s largest populations of red-breasted mergansers collects here in masses. Scaup, canvasback, goldeneye, common loon and horned grebe can be seen in rafts off the coastline, beefing up their energy supplies before departing for their breeding grounds.

Go Catch!

Click on the links below to learn more about fish in Lake Erie.

Brown Bullhead

Ameiurus nebulosus


Lepomis macrochirus


Amia calva


Lota lota

Common Carp

Cyprinus carpio

Channel Catfish

Ictalurus punctatus

Emerald Shiner

Notropis atherinoides

Gizzard Shad

Dorosoma cepedianum

Lake Sturgeon

Acipenser fulvescens

Lake Trout

Salvelinus namaycush

Largemouth Bass

Micropterus salmoides

Longnose Gar

Lepisosteus osseus

Northern Pike

Esox lucius


Lepomis gibbosus

Rainbow Smelt

Osmerus mordax

Rock Bass

Ambloplites rupestris

Steelhead Trout

Oncorhynchus mykiss

Smallmouth Bass

Micropterus dolomieu

Sheepshead (Freshwater Drum)

Aplodinotus grunniens 


Sander vitreus

White Bass

Morone chrysops

White Crappie

Pomoxis annularis

White Perch

Morone americana

White Sucker

Catostomus commersonii

Yellow Perch

Perca flavescens