2023 RAISE East Side Trails

The Cuyahoga Greenways: RAISE Cleveland East Side Trails application for construction funding for the Slavic Village Downtown Connector (SVDC) North and Morgana Run/Booth Avenue Extension (MRBA) was submitted to the federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program through the US Department of Transportation on February 28, 2024 and was announced as a recipient of $19.5 million in funding on June 25, 2024. Please see the press release for more information and download PDFs of the project maps. See below for the application and related documents and plans that sparked this project.

The SVDC North and MRBA are two of the four projects included in the 2023 RAISE East Side Trails Planning process currently underway. The Planning project was awarded RAISE funding in November 2021 and provided design and engineering funding for the SVDC North and MRBA as well as funding for feasibility studies for the Opportunity Corridor Connector (OCC) and Euclid Creek Greenway (ECG) Extension. 

For the 2023 RAISE East Side Trails Planning Project and any public events, please view its dedicated project website at 2023raise.cuyahogagreenways.org





Planning Studies and Other Supporting Materials

2021 RAISE Cleveland Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Application