Nestled in the Harriet Keeler Memorial woods, the Trailside Program Center follows Keeler's vision of sharing her love of nature through significant educational experiences. The Trailside Program Center is a facility that hosts a variety of educational programs that connect visitors to the natural world around them. The building is open for programs only. Please check the Emerald Necklace publication for a program listing.
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Bring your family for a monthly program to explore nature through books, games, hikes and other...
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Naturalist Foster Brown will begin January with a year-long series on wildlife and plant folklore...
Learn how to read maps and use a compass; then put your new skills to the test as you search for...
Help us give discarded items a second life by creating coasters out of old jeans.
Discover deep forested ravines, walk through a restored Ohio prairie with grasses over eight feet tall, or explore glacial river valleys carved over 10,000 years ago!
Access to several different trails. Brecksville Nature Center is a National Historical Site, built in 1939.
This planted 4-acre tall grass prairie is a unique ecosystem with incredible plant and animal diversity.