
Gorillas are a symbol of strength, but they are critically endangered. Fewer than 5,000 Eastern Gorillas remain in Africa.


Elusive yet charismatic, Andean bears live in the most biologically diverse region on earth and represent an umbrella species - their population status is an indicator of the overall health of their ecosystem. Experts predict that that Andean Bears will be considered endangered in the next 20 years. Research on bear distribution and populations is needed to design effective conservation strategies for this threatened species.


Dr. Dian Fossey established Karisoke™ Research Center in 1967, launching one of the longest ongoing research and monitoring programs for any species in the world. The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund’s staff of Rwandan and Congolese trackers, educators and scientists is on the ground every day in Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo protecting gorillas against threats from poaching, loss of habitat and disease.

Training Young Rwandan scientists

  • DFGF’s Memoirs Program, in partnership with the Zoo (Case Western Reserve University) and the University of Rwanda, supports and conducts university student training at Karisoke Research Center to develop the next generation of conservation scientists in Rwanda.

Protecting Grauer’s gorillas in Democratic Republic of Congo

  • DFGF is protecting 150 gorillas in the Nkuba-Biruwe Conservation Area using monitoring and protection programs modeled after Karisoke™ Research Center’s proven programs. The Zoo is working with DFGF and local communities to continue increasing the number of Grauer’s gorillas protected in this region.


  • You can make a difference for gorillas by recycling your cell phones and other small electronics through Eco-Cell, which reduces the demand for mineral mining in gorilla habitat and supports gorilla conservation efforts. Bring your retired devices to the Zoo and drop them in our Eco-Cell collection box!
  • Learn more about how you can take action and make a difference for gorillas and other wildlife.

